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A History Of Assistance And Solidarity

Albania's Unwavering Support for Ukraine in the Face of War

A History of Assistance and Solidarity

Since the onset of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Albania has consistently stood by the Ukrainian people, providing vital defense assistance and humanitarian support. This unwavering commitment reflects Albania's deep ties to Ukraine and its belief in the importance of international cooperation in the face of aggression.

Condemnation of Illegal Elections

In a strong statement, NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA) President Gerald E. Connolly condemned Russia's recent elections in occupied Ukrainian territories as "illegal and illegitimate." He emphasized that these elections were a blatant attempt by Russia to legitimize its occupation and undermine Ukrainian sovereignty.

Albanian Community in Ukraine

There are an estimated 5,000 ethnic Albanians currently residing in Ukraine, primarily in villages located in the country's southwestern regions. Despite the ongoing conflict, they remain committed to their homes and have played an active role in supporting their Ukrainian neighbors.

Regional Cooperation and Sanctions

As a member of NATO, Albania has joined North Macedonia and Montenegro in imposing sanctions against Russia. These sanctions target individuals and entities involved in the invasion and are intended to put pressure on Russia to end its aggression.

Continuing Battle for Albanians

While the war in Ukraine continues to devastate the country, it also poses a significant challenge to the Albanian community there. Many have lost loved ones, homes, and livelihoods. Despite these hardships, they continue to fight for a better future for themselves and their adopted country.
